2024 has been a year of fundamental changes to our core architecture and products. It’s been a year of revisiting the foundations, and ensuring the ecosystem is built to grow, with adequate support for all actors: workers, job requesters, and developers. This has included improvements to our Oracles, an overhaul of the HUMAN App’s and Dashboard’s frontend and backend, including code refactoring, and continuous improvements to our documentation, to support integration and the onboarding of new partners.
- New frontend and backend for the HUMAN App and Dashboard.
- Oracle integration and improvements.
- New task types added for the HUMAN App.
- Defined a standard for oracles enabling:
- Integration of Exchange Oracles within HUMAN App.
- Improved the interoperability of oracles.
- Continuous improvements to the SDK.
- Improvements to Subgraph, allowing better tracking of Protocol information in the dashboard.
- Ongoing improvements to the documentation, including a new introduction page with essential links and navigation.
HUMAN Job Launcher
- Encryption features. For example, Manifest is now being encrypted using multiple public keys.
- Final results are now automatically decrypted before downloading (work-in-progress).
- Added a quick-launch feature that allows launched jobs to bypass the manifest URL via the API.
- Added a qualifications feature. This allows the job requester to select which qualifications workers require to solve his job. The list of available qualifications is fetched from the Reputation Oracle.
- Continuous code refactoring and bug fixing.
- Added mutex to improve payments security.
- Added new job types supported through CVAT:
- IMAGE_POINTS (Object detection)
- IMAGE_BOXES (Bounding boxes)
- IMAGE_SKELETONS_FROM_BOXES (Skeleton annotations)
- IMAGE_POLYGONS (work-in-progress) - Added payments system, so that users can use their credit card to launch and protect their jobs and get bills or receipts for their payments. (Temporally disabled)
- Update Job Launcher interface to show operator stats.
- New backend and frontend offering capabilities for tracking wallets, operators, escrows, and transactions across the Protocol.
- Fully reworked frontend and backend.
- Added possibility to sign up as an operator and register an oracle in the reputation network.
- Oracles/jobs discovery feature.
Core Contracts
- Updated staking contract:
- Remove upgradeability to improve security.
- Simplify stake/unstake process and rules.
- Get rid of allocation in order to simplify the process.
- Add/update events in escrow contract for a better on chain tracking.
- Add tokens recovery method to avoid locking tokens in the contract accidentally.
- Add force complete feature to avoid leaving residual amounts of tokens in the contract.
In 2024, Human Protocol grew stronger with the launch of Human App V2, and improved rankings across global channels. Your feedback and engagement have been invaluable in shaping our journey—thank you for being part of it!
If you wish to enquire about integrations, usage, or to learn more about HUMAN Protocol, get in contact with the HUMAN team.
To stay up to date with the latest from HUMAN, follow us on X or join our Discord.