Introducing the HUMAN App: complete tasks, earn HMT
HUMAN Protocol will launch the HUMAN App on 18th August. We are excited to bring users an MVP of the Protocol, on which users can sign up, connect their wallet, complete tasks, and earn HMT. This is the very first time the community can use HUMAN Protocol.
Users can complete tasks and receive a predefined amount of HMT. The current work available is data-labeling work via a CAPTCHA, but we are going to be adding new APIs and types of work for users to earn from.
HUMAN Protocol is the blockchain-based infrastructure that supports the creation of job markets for data labeling, as well as other job types. Through HUMAN Protocol, Requesters launch data that needs to be labeled, and Workers earn HMT for labeling that data. This is as simple as completing a data-labeling task.
The Protocol operates as the framework that secures work and payment among distributed parties — software enforces the rules, so Requesters and Workers don’t need to trust one another.
The Protocol tokenizes work to automate the entire life of data labeling jobs; from its launch, to sanitization, distribution among applications, to quality verification and payment, the Protocol takes care of the details.
HUMAN Protocol is designed to operate across multiple chains. The team is building an infrastructure that allows for the seamless interoperability between chains, allowing for tasks to be intelligently distributed to the best chain at that moment — an evaluation which takes into account cost, availability, speed, and more.
HMT is a utility token, designed to fund data labeling work on HUMAN Protocol. The HUMAN App represents the active utilization of HMT for this purpose; Requesters - generally ML practitioners with varying demands — must purchase HMT to prefund a smart bounty in which they describe the scope of work; Workers, through the HUMAN App, earn HMT for labeling that data.
The App is the first blockchain native data labeling service. It is the first opportunity for the HUMAN community to earn HMT. The App is the first demonstration of utility, through which the potential arises to distribute HMT to a far larger audience.
Almost any kind of fungible human work can be tokenized to create a market on HUMAN Protocol. A lawyer could look over a contract; an accountant could analyze a tax return. For now, HUMAN is focused on jobs in data labeling to serve ML companies.
There are three verticals of data labeling HUMAN can initially cover: image annotation; video annotation with Intel CVAT; and text annotation with INCEpTION. All these applications already run on the Protocol, with the potential for many more. That means the potential for many more kinds of jobs, and many more ways to earn HMT.
For the latest updates on HUMAN Protocol, follow us on Twitter or join our Discord. Alternatively, to enquire about integrations, usage, or to learn more about how HUMAN Protocol supports machine-learning technologies, get in contact with the HUMAN team.
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