Introducing the HUMAN maintainer program
The HUMAN maintainer program is a Gitcoin based bounty program to incentivize 3rd parties to, firstly, deploy and integrate HUMAN technology, and secondly, to check and maintain the state of the integration.
Visit the HUMAN Github for available bounties
HUMAN Protocol was built to be distributed far and wide. From our choice to make all our technology open-source, to using hackathons as our way of fostering a knowledgeable dev community (check out the Discord dev channel) to help spread and build HUMAN technology, the Protocol and its accompanying technologies are meant to be applied to many new use cases.
To ensure that the HUMAN ecosystem remains a truly connected, useful, and truthful place, we are deploying the HUMAN maintainer program. Maintainers will be responsible for checking that the HUMAN adoptions and integrations are properly implemented and remain so, both now, and in the future.
Rather than launching a smart contract on each chain, the maintainer program breaks down the steps required to launch our work in a new chain.
The role is divided into two functions, each part of which can earn a maintainer 1 ETH. Maintainers can port over HUMAN tools – like Proof of HUMANity – to new chains, launch HUMAN dashboards, and launch example applications, like Fortune, to earn 1 ETH. Then, the maintainers can maintain that – or another – integration for an additional ETH per year of maintenance.
The maintenance work is designed to empower the maintainer to act as a community link between HUMAN Protocol and blockchains. When a network has, for example, a bug, or an upgrade, the maintainers can manage the change. The work will require, for example, ensuring that smart contracts are correctly reflected on blockchain scanners.
Currently, there are five maintainer bounties running. We have experienced a lot of success with these bounties so far; generally, after posting, someone starts the work within a month. We look forward to working with you!
To stay up to date with the latest from HUMAN, follow us on Twitter or join our Discord.
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The HUMAN Protocol Foundation makes no representation, warranty, or undertaking, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or reasonableness of the information contained here. Any assumptions, opinions, and estimations expressed constitute the HUMAN Protocol Foundation’s judgment as of the time of publishing and are subject to change without notice. Any projection contained within the information presented here is based on a number of assumptions, and there can be no guarantee that any projected outcomes will be achieved.