Open-source impact: Audino and real life tech for good
One of the key reasons behind the founding of HUMAN Protocol was the vision to democratize access to quality data, as well as to provide knowledge workers with the ability to earn for their contributions. The latest grant with Audino exemplifies this. This grant also falls under the umbrella of our impact projects, a new initiative with much work ongoing, about which we will release more information soon.
The Audino grant is being used to integrate audio recording tasks into the HUMAN App, and to collect a usable dataset in the first phase of this collaboration. This typifies the kind of project that HUMAN Protocol was designed to help. An ML startup that needs access to quality data labels.
So often, this work is left to ML scientists, who would be better focusing on building new products, but simply can’t gain access to expensive data labeling platforms. Poor access to data has inhibited the building of AI products. We also believe there is a better way for Workers to access – and earn for – their work.
For translation services, it is easy to assume that every language and dialect in the world is represented. This is not the case.
For example, there is a massive shortage of translation services available for the diverse dialects and languages of India. Millions of people find themselves without adequate access to translation services. This may not appear to be a massive problem, but if you live in an extremely rural area, and medical help is only available hundreds of miles away, in a hospital that speaks a language you do not, it can become a big problem
We are delighted to be working with Audino, backed by the National Health Mission, a project initiated by the Indian government. The National Health Mission is appointing Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA’s) to represent villages and rural areas. ASHA’s act as a point of communication between rural areas and the wider healthcare system. ASHA’s are currently facing a problem in translating the many different languages and dialects of India. Enter Audino
Audino is an audio tagging tool which presents tasks to a Worker who speaks a given language, such as Tamil, and then asks them to segment a sentence and label words correlating to the segment. HUMAN Protocol is giving Audino access to new data-labeling services, particularly workpools. This gives them access to Workers to fulfill the labeling requirements. It is essential. Audino will be using the data to create a chatbot
This is tech that has a real-world impact. It could improve healthcare services for millions.
The Protocol is an open-source infrastructure that allows tokenization of work. It allows any application to integrate APIs and workpools, or else gives new tools access to pools of workers already on HUMAN Protocol. It is designed to bring equitable access to work services; and to empower Workers with access to work they can get paid for.
While data-labeling is the first application of the Protocol, it is a blueprint of what is possible. The proliferation of different grantees to the HUMAN grants program demonstrates the diversity of work and contribution that can be brought on-chain.
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