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Who is HUMAN for? Grants use case: Layer-1s

HUMAN Protocol
Jan 26, 2022

Who is HUMAN for? Grants use case: Layer-1s

2 min read

So far, in this series, we have covered the following use cases: ML startups, new and existing projects, and Proof of HUMANity. Generally speaking, these use cases are directed at Layer-3 in the tech stack, the level of business logic, applications, and more. 

In this article, we will focus on how HUMAN Protocol can be leveraged by Layer-1s. For a full list of existing work and blockchain partners, read this piece.

Wallet creation

Forbes estimates that there are currently 1 billion knowledge workers in the world.

As discussed in this article on knowledge workers, the prevalence and importance of knowledge work is not an issue; the problem, until now, has been finding ways to imaginatively create marketplaces that connect workers and projects to unlock the value of varied, disparate, and unique human knowledge.

That is HUMAN Protocol’s mission. The work has started by bringing the data-labeling work associated with CAPTCHA-style questions on-chain with the HUMAN App, which has already registered 200,000 signups.

To Layer-1s, this means a vast increase in wallet creation. With an ever increasing number of kinds of work, the gravitation of more knowledge workers on-chain will result in more wallets created. With a view to being the future of work, the potential, here, is enormous.


Bringing more knowledge work on-chain increases transactions along with wallets. 

Not only this, but transactions can grow exponentially with the development of microwork applications. The process of creating marketplaces for knowledge work involves the decomposing of large tasks into many small ones. If a group project, such as a company report, is broken up into twenty parts, from accounts, legal, design, to content, etc. then there are more transactions. 

Microwork implies microtransactions; and, with microtransactions, there are many transactions, another key to the success of Layer-1s. 

Trust is good, confidence is better

The future of Layer-1s is dependent on trust in the network. Blockchains are often described as “trustless”; Polkadot’s tagline in their Litepaper nods to this: “Less trust, more truth”. 

The conversation of trust will continue, but there is a component that is often overlooked: in a purely digital network, the potential for bot disruption increases. 

We know that blockchains are good at recording and verifying transactions. However, they have no way of independently verifying who authorized them.

While HUMAN leverages CAPTCHA style questions to put data-labeling on-chain, the very same APIs can serve a different function, one we are more familiar with: bot-blocking. 

By adopting Proof of HUMANity, Layer-1s can stop bots from entering their ecosystems, protecting the networks, and securing trust. For the details on the many different applications of Proof of HUMANity, from governance to DEXs, read this article.

Onboarding work, solidifying the future

Beyond the tangible benefits described above, there is something to be said about the possibility of bringing work on-chain. Until now, blockchains have been a way to govern finances; via HUMAN Protocol, they can become a way to govern, automate, and execute work. By bringing work on-chain, Layer-1s can be thought of, and brought into, the mainstream of daily life. 

As with the workers already receiving their compensation in crypto on the HUMAN App, Layer-1s can contribute to the fulfilment of their own potential by normalizing on-chain work to potentiate many more solutions for blockchain technology.

For the latest updates on HUMAN Protocol, follow us on Twitter or join our Discord. Alternatively, to enquire about integrations, usage, or to learn more about HUMAN Protocol, get in contact with the HUMAN team.

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The HUMAN Protocol Foundation makes no representation, warranty, or undertaking, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or reasonableness of the information contained here. Any assumptions, opinions, and estimations expressed constitute the HUMAN Protocol Foundation’s judgment as of the time of publishing and are subject to change without notice. Any projection contained within the information presented here is based on a number of assumptions, and there can be no guarantee that any projected outcomes will be achieved.

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